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Food security / urban food forests / edible gardens

We all need food.

A healthy, well-nourished population supports a healthy planet. As climate change becomes more disruptive to existing distribution systems and power grids, our food sources must become more local to support our communities. Relying on food grown and shipped from far away is economically and environmentally costly and wasteful.

My work in this area focuses on improving the health and vibrancy of communities by creating thriving food forests and food gardens for commercial and individual use. I help develop master plans for public and private property owners to ensure that healthy fresh-grown food is accessible to everyone: at parks, libraries, community centers, schools, and other public facilities as well as home gardens.

My vision is to create food forests of the future by utilizing every piece of vacant, arable land to produce healthy, nutritious food; provide pollinator habitats; develop green infrastructure to re-establish natural drainage systems, eliminating the need for mechanized maintenance with gas-powered tools, and improving air quality and reducing noise pollution.

“Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.”
~ Michael Pollan
Representative Projects:

A partial list of past and current projects

School garden @ Riverwalk STEM Academy, Just Elementary School
School garden design and program development
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School Garden at Edison Elementary
School garden design and program development

Casa Santo Stefano Kitchen Garden
Chef’s garden for a Sicilian restaurant

Tampa Heights Community Garden
Long range master plan for community garden infrastructure improvements

Boerner Homestead
Food garden master plan for residential property